silver bay...

silver bay

Looking out from the marketplace in Vevey, seconds before the rain from the previous photo started down. I'd often watched this location via a webcam located in the clock tower at the end of the square, wondering what it was like in real life.

This post also marks an update to The Zone! It's a work in progress, a half-carved stone, but a step towards eradication of the ancient markup of the site (the result of iteration since 1999). A lot has changed on the web in 11 years, though there are still people using IE6, a 9 year old, standards-breaking security risk. The new site should work nicely in any modern browser like IE8, Safari, Chrome or Firefox, but will likely be unusable in non-compliant browsers such as IE6. Browsers supporting CSS3 features will also get some extra goodness. Enjoy! I'll be crafting more bells and whistles in time, but it's a start!