

Wall segments from the 10 metre diameter tunnel that links the river intake shafts across the basin. On the other side of the road, the tops of the outlet gate mechanisms are visible on the bank of the Edo River 江戸川.

Finishing up, we called another taxi and then made our way through the flat patchwork of streets to Minami-sakurai Station 南桜井駅.

Sampling random items from the ubiquitous vending machines in Japan is irresistible to me, particularly when they offer hot drinks, so while we waited on the platform for the next train to Ōmiya Station 大宮駅 I tried my luck with a hot coffee called Kirin FIRE キリン ファイア. I'll admit, the deciding factor was the cool looking little can: a yellow metallic diamond crimped tin with a red flame logo. Naturally, it tasted as watery and lacking in depth as coffee in a can should.