and for yourself...

Special thanks to Em and Alain for their unknowing inspiration.
Also thanks to the security guard who had a sense of humour.
It appears the RSS feed is more popular than I'd expected, so cheers to everyone who's subscribed! Initially there was a bug that caused it to fail in IE7, but that's now been fixed.
It's just hit 5 AM so I better crawl into bed _o/
winter wires...

The first feeling of winter was briefly in the air a few nights ago. The lower-than-average temperatures arrived as the remnants of an intense low pressure system which had earlier developed in the south and slowly moved north. It left a dusting of snow on the Australian Alps - a welcome sight! It's sure had me thinking (more than usual) about possible destinations for the next trip to the snow!
After requests from several people I've finally added an RSS feed for this "garbage" journal. For those running modern browsers, the orange RSS icon should appear and allow you to subscribe to it. If there are any problems with the feed just send me a note through the contact page - thanks! :) I've decided to scrap the e-mail alert idea since RSS allows the same functionality without the need for people to have their e-mail addresses stored in yet another database!