where you will never find me

Through the city-flat and out to the mountains, following the path of the Hida River 飛騨川 over two and a half hours, ascending slowly. The curving track, dense forest and jade waters, through rain at times, was a contrast to the pace and the view from the Shinkansen 新幹線.
This pic was taken just past the city of Gero 下呂, known for its onsen 温泉 (hot springs).
linear city views

Lugging the suitcase on and settling in, first to Gifu Station 岐阜駅, half an hour north of Nagoya 名古屋, where the train reverses directions on to the Takayama Main Line 高山本線.
As it paused for a moment to do so, I looked out and snapped this view before it slid away.