time aside

Down through the lane and hanging a left to the Philosopher's Path 哲学の道, where the pink and white flowers formed a canopy over the dirt and stone footpath and the stream that runs beside it. A quiet procession moved along, happily chatting and admiring the trees and taking photos.
Every so often a vendor would be selling traditional treats or ice creams and providing a place to take a break, as seen here outside Miroku-in 弥勒院.
foot traffic

Back out through the hedged canyon where a steady flow of people were coming in. Outside, the lane down the slope was even busier than before, with people buying snacks and browsing the shops that line the way.

A leisurely walk through the rest of the garden, over ponds and moss-covered ground, then up to the hilled section, constrained on one side by a grove of bamboo, to look over the pavilion.

Feeling like I'm starting my own Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji 富嶽三十六景 series here, but it's irresistible.
quiet observations

While the temple gardens are very popular attractions (and increasingly so in the years that followed my first visit, with present times excepted), it's still possible to find moments of quiet where the view is still.