each direction

Around a corner, another busy street of restaurants and second-hand stores with confusingly suggestive names. But, most of all, people, off to somewhere very specific.
perfect blue

With a minimal vocabulary with which to read signs, delving into buildings was sometimes a lottery. Deep entry corridors led to windowless multi-level stores, cramped caches of games, comics and memorabilia. Back in the streets, music of idol アイドル bands pounced from storefronts, tides of shifting, reeling sound.

Across the road and further west, the street a rift between lines and buildings, sun reflecting in. Here, I wondered if the shops beneath the tracks were added later, filling in the space between the pillars, or if they were like that from the start.
Endless stores of physical media catering to those for whom the having is essential, the state of online distribution an irrelevance.