moving castles

moving castles

Arriving in Tōkyō Station 東京駅, its late 1800s architecture as striking in the city now as it must have been when it opened in 1914, I found my way to the Marunouchi 丸の内 central gate and the friendly locals of the Tokyo Free Walking Tour.

Over the next few minutes a number of other foreigners arrived, hailing from Singapore, Germany, Malaysia, Canada and the USA. We set off, led by the locals and divided into two small groups, in the direction of the Imperial Palace 皇居 East Gardens.

As we walked through the business district of Marunouchi 丸の内, the locals stopped to explain the history of the station and surrounding area. Above, a great example of the Japanese way. Preserve a piece of history, the Industry Club of Japan 日本工業倶楽部, while building a new office tower; just build around it.