tracking shots

tracking shots

Arming myself with an umbrella from a tiny shop nearby, it was hotel switch time, up along the expressway in the drizzle. A quick scan of the room, then down from the seventh floor and out, suitcase in tow as the rain maintained, over the expressway by footbridge to Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel セルリアンタワー東急ホテル. The staff were brilliant, holding my belongings for the check in at 3 PM. The wait would be rewarded with the most amazing view of Shibuya 渋谷 from the 26th floor and the room I'd call home for the rest of my time in the city. But the above photo is not of that, not by a long shot. It's the view from the top level of do-it-yourself store Tokyu Hands 東急ハンズ:

Now unencumbered by luggage and time I was back to the heart of the area and into Center Gai センター街, the main pedestrian street that feeds a maze of alleys and popular shops. Searching in the most enjoyable way – without a map – I eventually ran against a corner of the building I was searching for.